Northbrook, IL Post-Judgement Enforcement Lawyer
North Shore Attorney for Enforcing Child Support, Marital Agreements, & More
Your divorce decree has the force of law. If your spouse refuses to abide by the terms of the divorce judgment, they can get into trouble. In severe cases, the court can hold a party in contempt for refusing to follow court orders. This is usually a last-resort option. As much as you may wish the court would have your ex-spouse arrested the moment they fail to pay financial support or turn over property, there are gentler options you may need to try first.
Sucharski Law Firm LLC has plenty of experience forcing uncooperative ex-spouses to comply with divorce orders. Our seasoned post-judgment enforcement attorneys know a number of legal strategies for getting non-compliant ex-spouses to cooperate. Whether we merely need to send a strongly-worded letter or pursue a modification based on your spouse's inability to follow a custody schedule, our attorneys are here to see to it that the terms of your divorce decree are carried out.
Enforcing Child Support Payments
Some of the most commonly disregarded court orders are for child support or spousal support. If your ex has failed to make their payments as required, there are ways to force compliance. In some cases, the child support your child is owed can be taken directly out of your ex-spouse's paycheck, or other methods may be used to recover the amount owed.
Enforcing Marital Property Arrangements
If you were granted marital property that your spouse has failed to turn over, we can take action on your behalf. We may need to file a petition with the court. The court can act more directly in order to ensure that your ex-spouse turns over the assets that belong to you.
Child Custody Enforcement
Few things are more maddening to a parent than being wrongfully kept away from their child. If your spouse is not making child custody hand-offs as ordered or is otherwise preventing you from using your parenting time, the court will likely take these actions very seriously. Repeated or egregious violations may result in penalties.
In some cases, you may be able to obtain a modification to your parenting plan that could protect your parenting time. You can likely receive make-up parenting time.
Protection Order Enforcement
If your spouse was violent towards you, getting a protection order can be a great first step towards permanently ending the relationship. Orders of Protection have the force of law, and they can be enforced by the police. If you suspect that your ex-spouse has violated your Order of Protection, your attorney will likely advise you to call the police so they take actions such as performing an arrest or pursuing criminal charges.
Violation vs. Contempt
Divorce decrees can be complicated, and they contain a large amount of information and instructions. It is understandable that one party might forget about a certain provision, or they may be mistaken about when a custody hand-off was supposed to take place. In these cases, court involvement may not be necessary. We can often simply work with the other party to see that the divorce decree is carried out. If this type of case does need to go to court, a judge may order the other party to make it right.
When the other party knowingly and willfully disregards the terms of your divorce order, they are actually committing a crime called contempt of court. If there is evidence to suggest that your ex-spouse is purposefully disobeying a court order, the judge might put out a warrant for their arrest. They could be required to pay fines, or they may even be sentenced to time in jail.
Contact a Northbrook, IL Post-Judgment Enforcement Attorney
If your spouse is refusing to comply with your divorce order or parenting plan, Sucharski Law Firm LLC can fight to make them comply. Our dedicated Cook County post-judgment enforcement lawyers will strive to see your divorce decree followed as written. Contact us at 224-268-9446 for a free initial consultation.